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[a bar of photos of Jamie's face]

Jamie Chew's Web Log: Vol. 0 No. 10

2004-01-13 24:03 (Kristen) John left for Greenport today, and arrived safely. It feels strange for me to be the one left behind; it was always me who jetted off, leaving John behind to fret about whether or not I was safe, and eating and sleeping properly.

We saw Dr. Kennedy today, who says that Jamie is 11 pounds 11 ounces (up 7 ounces in 5 days). He apparently is in the 97th percentile for length, but in the 25th to 50th percentile for weight. His head circumfrence matches his length, however, which means that he is putting his energy into growing longer rather than pudgier. She said that he will probably be tall; I think that we may have a stringbean on our hands, which is just fine.

We went to Michelle's for lunch, and Jennifer then went home while Tom, Michelle, Jamie and I went to the funeral of the mother of our friend Christine. Jamie was very well behaved throughout, and seemed to bring some joy to an naturally sombre and sad occasion. A number of people said that it was a nice thing to bring a baby to a funeral, and I agree: a baby reminds people of the beginnings of life when endings seem to be all we can think of.

Jamie was very gassy tonight, and in much more discomfort than usual. We have bicycled him, played the baby bongos, burped him, and between gas attacks, is his usual, lovely self. He grabs hair now (note to self: buy more hair elastics), and has a very strong grip, making him well prepared to cling to my fur as we swing through the jungle, fleeing predators. He was happy when his papa called, however, and chatted with him on the phone for a short time. He didn't seem to find his first phone call strange, or anything out of the ordinary, which may mark him out as a technogeek from an unusually early age.

2004-01-14 22:56 (Kristen) Jamie awoke in a good mood today after a good night's rest: four hours, followed by three and a half (his mom was appreciative). Jennifer put together the baby swing that Hans Doering had given us, and Jamie was most appreciative of that. He spent a good deal of time in the swing today, often sleeping as it rocked gently back and forth.

We decided to brave the cold this afternoon and forage for vanilla bean lattes. We put Jamie into a Snuggli that Jennifer had given us, (barely ) zipped my coat up around him, covered the top of him in a fleece blanket and his Scrabble quilt, and headed out into the snow. He was toasty warm, and I think that I was much warmer for having him so close to me.

Jennifer seems to have found her position for calming an upset Jamie. Everyone seems to have a position that they can use that no one else can: Tom and Michelle use the forward hold that they used on Daniel; I drape him over one shoulder or play the baby bongos, as does John; Jennifer holds him stretched out along one arm as he sucks on a knuckle. She and Jamie have continued bonding, and she has been a huge help to me today by taking care of him while I shovel the driveway, or do other household chores, or get get out of the bathtub. We're so looking forward to having her come to Mexico with us, and watching the two of them continue to grow closer and closer to each other.

2004-01-15 22:15 (Kristen) It was very cold today (-20 C without the windchill), so we decided to clean the house instead. Jamie spent a good part of the day in the Magic Swing, much to his mother's delight, and another good part having fun with his aunt. He is starting to fight sleep, fussing and complaining for a few minutes before drifting off. Today, Jen and I watched him fight sleep in the Magic Swing for almost twenty minutes before he gave in to a two and a half hour nap.

He was very gassy again today, and I'm just not sure what's causing it. My diet has not changed, and has actually been quite innocuous lately. It is possible that his insides are changing and maturing yet again, and he's working the bugs out of the system. His outfit today was apparently the first item of clothing that Jennifer bought for Rebecca after she was born, and it fits Jamie perfectly. I am, right now, updating the website with Jamie on my lap. People, don't try this at home..

2004-01-16 23:59 (Kristen) Jamie's papa came home from Greenport today, safely and soundly, and was available to sing the Rubber Duckie song and give a bath the way that both were meant to be done. We're all happy to have him home.

John noted that Jamie is focusing longer on people and things, giving him a more mature look. I noted that Jamie managed to bring both hands together consistently today, playing with his fingers before spreading his arms apart and bringing them back together. I read somewhere that this is a trick that he is supposed to learn this month. My mother and aunt have both noted that, other than through the eyes, where he looks like his dad, Jamie looks exactly like I did as a baby in the picture of the day from January 14th (Future World Ruler Jamie). They have declared this eerie. There is a picture of Jennifer's second daughter, Anna, where she looks so much like her mother that it has the same effect on me.

2004-01-17 24:45 (Kristen) We saw Jennifer off to the bus station today so that she could go home to her own children. Our master plan is working, however: we'll see her for a week next month when we're all in Mexico, and Carlos (our hairdresser) told her that she needs to have her lovely new 'do updated every two to three month. She likes the haircut enough that I think that she'll be coming back for hair maintenance, and we'll get to see her that much more.

Jamie slept for us when we went to the Second Cup and read newspapers for three-quarters of an hour, but not through Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World. It's a long movie, so John took him out while I got to see it. John says that he saw and; maybe Mast. I owe him a movie.

Jamie was steadily unhappier over the course of the day, and had a rough evening over at Nan Doe's tonight where we went to beta-test Craig White's game, Crocodile with friends. He seems to have had an unusually bad case of gas [John: which we're 95% sure is due to movie popcorn, so that's one more thing Kristen has to avoid], and was difficult to console. His mom's nerves are a little frazzled; I hate to see him that way. However, he calmed down by the end of the evening, and is now bopping to Joni Mitchell's Blue in anticipation of his bath.

2004-01-18 22:14 (Kristen) I am typing one-handed as Jamie has my left pinkie in his mouth as he listens to Joni Mitchell. Fot those who have asked, we have tried out a soother with him: a newborn variety, that would work with his little mouth, in theory. He takes a few sucks to humour me, then shoves it out, politely, with his tongue. I guess that fingers taste better: certainly the taste is close to fist, which he still enjoys.

A quiet day, as he seemed a little fragile after last night's pains. He improved over the day, particularly after a long nap this afternoon when John and I took him in the sling down to the Second Cup. John pulled Jamie into a sitting position when they were sitting together on the couch tonight, when he realized how strong Jamie's grip was. Jamie managed to hold himself upright for about a minute ot two before collapsing, and seemed somewhat startled by his own accomplishment.

2004-01-19 22:17 (Kristen) It has been a happy day with Jamie. He woke up in a sunny mood that has lasted the entire day. He has grooved to music, sat quietly while Mummy and Papa have worked, slept in the swing like a floppy bunny, and lain still for his passport photo. This was all a gift to his parents, since they were a little stressed about having to replace the furnace.

Jamie has been the droolmeister today, to the point where I think that I'm going to have to start making him wear little bibs if this keeps up. I have no idea what is causing this. It is only a real concern because his little cheeks are starting to chap, which looks uncomfortable for him.

* For the benefit of Scrabble players, words that are not in the Scrabble dictionary are marked with an asterisk.

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