Genealogical Record: John James Chew

Self Parents Grandparents GGParents GGGParents
John James Chew
Captain, CEC, USN

*1893 03 18 Washington DC, USA
+1984 03 02 909 Hillwood Avenue, Falls Church, Fairfax, VA, USA

Studied engineering at Cornell, tuition paid by a client of his father's. Also held a reserve commission in the Army. Buried at Arlington Cemetery.
US SSN 226-54-1432.

Is the Lieut. J. J. Chew listed as superintendent of public works on page 64 in the 1928 USGPO publication "American Samoa: Joint hearings before the Committee on territories and insular possessions...".

Enumerated in 1940 census in Brooklyn, Assembly District 9, 68 85th St. as the 47-year-old male head-of-household naval captain living with his wife, two children, and two parents-in-law. They reported that five years previously they had been living in the Canal Zone, Panama, and their in-laws had been in Mountain Lake, NJ.

Awarded Legion of Merit for "exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services to the Government of the United States as Director of Finance and Operating Department, Bureau of Docks, from 15 December 1941 to 1946".

Is the Captain John J. Chew (CEC) listed as the Inspector General of the Bureau of Yards and Docks, living in D.C., on page. 188 of the "Official Register of the United States" (1951, 1954 and no doubt other editions).

Is the Captain J.J. Chew who signs a letter on page 228 of the "Investigation of Military Public Works: Hearings... 82d Congress, 2d Session" in 1952.


Robert Smith Chew

*1848 10 10 Washington DC, USA
+1923 01 13 USA

Listed in 1900 Census, Washington Co., D.C., Roll 159 Book 1, Page 193a, Line 73; living at 1912 H Street, employed as a bank clerk.

(From JJC 10003) Started as a clerk at the Riggs Bank in Washington, D.C. Eventually became head of the credit department. Bought a 'cottage' in Jamestown, R.I. where his wife and children spent their summers growing up.

Listed in 1880 Census of Washington, see ERS 10044.

10021 <53:5

Robert Smith Chew
Civil servant

*1811 11 04 VA, USA
+1873 08 03 Washington, DC, USA

[portrait from painting of signing of Alaskan treaty]

Brief biography listed in Appleton's 1886 Encyclopedia, is mentioned elsewhere for his roles as aide to Seward (was present at signing of Alaskan treaty in 1867, painted by Emanuel Leutze, an excerpt of which is shown above) and wartime special messenger for Lincoln.

1834 07: Joined State Department (according to sworn testimony, p. 117 of Congressional Globe, 40th Congress, 2nd Session at

1844 03 02: Is mentioned in National Intelligencer as an Assistant Marshal on horseback at the funeral for the late Secretary of State, the Hon. Abel P. Upshur, killed when a gun aboard the USS Princeton exploded during a demonstration.

1861 04 06: Carried a famous message (which survives, and can be viewed at from Lincoln to Governor Pickens at Charleston.

1866 07: Promoted to Chief Clerk of the State Department.

1868 04 04: Testified before Senate in impeachment trial of Andrew Johnson (

1880: widow listed in Washington, DC, USA census.

Should investigate Seward papers at U of Rochester.

Library of Congress has some correspondence with Hamilton Fish as part of the latter's archives (LC mm 78020602).

According to family lore, when his brother was captured in the Civil War, RSC negotiated his release into house arrest at RSC's home.

10043 <71:6

Robert Smith Chew
1779 09 26-1826 11 02
10051 <84:7
John Chew
10067 <86:8 >61:21
Elizabeth Smith
10068 <86:8 >52:21
Elizabeth (Betsey) French
10052 <84:7
George French
Anne Brayne Benger
10086 >12522:78
Elizabeth Ringold Smith

*1815 03 24 Washington, DC, USA?
+1899 02 23 Washington, DC, USA

Listed in 1880 Census of Washington, DC, USA as widowed, living with sons Robert, John and Walter, sister Louisa and servants Kittie Walker, Caroline Green and Elenora Buckner.

A portrait of her, painted by Charles Bird King, is in the online collection of the Smithsonian, their object #DC990444

Some sources spell her middle name Ringgold.

JJC 10005 had her birth year as 1818.

Buried at Chapel Hill, Lot 538, Oak Hill Cemetery, Washington, DC.

10044 <71:6

Richard Smith
10053 <73:7
Walter Smith
10095 >164:26
Hester Belt
10096 >1731:79
Covington Mackall
10054 <73:7
Leonard Covington Mackall
10121 <76:8 >138:24
Catherine Beall
10122 <76:8 >125:27
Mary Emott (Minnie) Cady

*1862 09 14 Brooklyn NY, USA
+1943 01 05 Norfolk, VA, USA

LDS: R8LZ-3P. Oak Hill Cemetery, Washington, DC, USA; Chapel Hill Lot 538.

Per autobiography of JC 10003, died in an automobile accident.

10034 <53:5

Howard Cleveland Cady
Lawyer, lived in New York and Washington

*1822 10 02 Killingly, Windham Co., CT, USA
+1889 03 23 Washington, DC, USA

1847: Howard C Cady listed as a lawyer at 16 Willow Street in Old Brooklyn Heights in Brooklyn City Directory (and the previous year "near Cranberry").

1849: Howard Cady listed as a lawyer at 41 Joralemon Street in Old Brooklyn Heights in Brooklyn City Directory.

1880: Listed in Washington, DC, USA Census, E.D. 39+40, FHL Film 1254122; Nat'l Arch. Film T9-0122; Page 362C.


10045 <59:6

James Hervey Cady
1780 05 20-1832 09
10055 <61:7
David Cady
10151 <67:8 >24:5
Lois Polly Cleveland
10152 <67:8 >56:9
Sarah C. Howard
10056 <61:7
James Howard
10179 >33:9
Sally Chapline
10180 >44:7
Mary Denison Heard

*1821 08 01 Killingly, Windham Co., CT, USA
+1883 10 13

Possibly born 1821, in NYC, and named Mary Dennison Heard?


10046 <59:6

William Heard
John Heard
10209 >25:5
Susanna Burnham
10210 >897:77
Katherine/Cata Kimball
Jeremiah Kimball
10239 >51:6
Lois Choate
10240 >899:78


Jessie Katherine Lobdell

*1888 08 04 Bronx, NY, USA
+1975 10 01 Falls Church, Fairfax, VA, USA

US SSN 225-66-4636

JC 10003: had cousins named "Big Bill" Rutan and "Cousin Dorothy" Rutan McMaster (sp?). Dorothy visited us in Toronto, and is listed as DR 110460 pending connection to the main tree.

Alzheimer's Disease.

Listed in 1900 census in Paterson, Passaic Co., NJ, with parents and brother.

1920 census in Boonton, Morris Co., NJ, USA mentions Dorothy Rutan as her parents' niece.

Marriage announced in Army-Navy-Air Force Register and Defense Times, Volume 72

10004 <88:16

m. 1922 10 __ Mountain Lakes NJ, USA
John James (Jack) Chew
Civil Servant

*1923 11 17 Philadelphia PA, USA
+2024 06 12 15 Playter Crescent, Toronto, ON, CAN

1923-25: Philadelphia, PA, USA
1925-27: Charleston, SC, USA
1927-29: Samoa
1929-32: Philadelphia
1932-35: Canal Zone
1935-38: San Diego, CA, USA
1938-42: (-1940 at 68 85th St, 1940- in Quarters M, Navy Yard) Brooklyn, NY, USA
1942-43: Washington, DC, USA
1943-44: New York, NY, USA
1944-47: U.S. Army in Missouri, Philippines, Japan, Germany, rose from Pvt. to M/Sgt.
1947-48: New York
1948: Zürich, CHE
1949-50: New York
1950-51: Lund, SWE
1951-55: Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA
1955-63: State Department, serving in Washington and Tokyo, with a year in 1960-61 on leave in Wakefield, RI, USA
1963-66: SUNY Buffalo, NY, USA
1966-date: Department of Anthropology, U of Toronto, ON, CAN


Hermine Fux
1931 05 24-2011 01 __

Died in nursing care, with advanced Alzheimer's disease. Father Rudolf (Rudolph?) was a foreman in a brick factory (?), died of tuberculosis; mother was Czech (from Prague?). Married five times, buried with fourth husband in ME, USA.


m. 19__
div. 195_
Kristina Chew

10026 >9:2

Pamela Chew

10030 >4:2

Pauline Chew

10032 >2:1

Hisae Hagiwara
1933 11 10-2019 12 24 09:15


Name at birth was Hisae Shimizu, but was adopted by stepfather as a child.

10002 <8:4

m. 1962 06 25 Tokyo JPN
John James Chew

10001 >2:1

Edward Kenneth (Ted) Chew

10007 >2:1

Jean MacPherson Chew
Actress, high school secretary, yoga teacher and retreat director

home page


Warren Edward Clymer
1922 12 29-2007 07 16

(From JJC 10003) Lived immediately after marriage in Ames, Iowa, studied drama at University of Iowa.

See IMDB entry, which mentions that he was the art director for "The Godfather", among 20 other credits.

1964: Won Emmy Award for Outstanding Achievement in Art Direction and Scenic Design, as art director for Hallmark Hall of Fame.

1965: Won Emmy Award for Outstanding Individual Achievement in Entertainment — Art Directors and Set Decorators, as art director for The Holy Terror.

Retired in Manhattan, died after several weeks in hospital, possibly after suffering a heart attack.


m. 1948
div. 19__
Jonathan Edward Clymer


Catherine Anne (Cathy) Clymer

10024 >2:1

Jeffrey Warren (Jeff, Jay, J.J.) Clymer


Jack Loew


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