Genealogical Record: Annah Chew

Self Parents Grandparents GGParents GGGParents
Annah Chew

From EJ 17069 via TLC 13551. Died before 1901 11.


Charles Chew

*1828 Tuscarora Reservation, Lewiston, Niagara Co., NY, USA
+1858 07

From TLC 13551.

17567 <4:2

William Chew
Sachem Chief, Turtle Clan

*1796 NY, USA
+1857 10 19

From WEC 17059.

TLC 13551: died of tuberculosis.

17061 <91:6

William Johnson Chew
11719 <103:7
Joseph Chew
11675 <109:8 >44:20
Grace Deshon
11676 <109:8 >8:3
Margaret Mt. Pleasant
17056 <103:7
Eliza Thompson


From TLC 13551.

17530 <30:3

? ?
? ?
Susan Peters

* Tuscarora Reservation, Lewiston, Niagara Co., NY, USA

From EJ 17069 via TLC 13551.

17676 <4:2

? ? ?
? ?
? ? ?
? ?


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