Genealogical Record: Tomoko Hagiwara

Parents, Grandparents and Great-grandparents








Riki Kawanago



Ushinosuke Shiono
+ 1924 09 18

Kiku Kawanago
+ 1963 07 17

Hirokichi Hagiwara

Yaeko Shiono
* 1912? JPN
+ 1979 05 04 Saitama JPN

Tomoko Hagiwara
Executive secretary
* 1939 08 03 JPN
+ 2023 01 07 Castleview Wychwood Towers LTC, Room 401C, 351 Christie Street, Toronto, ON, CAN


Obtained MA in Canadian literature.

Died of complications of spinocerebellar ataxia type 3, misrecorded on death certificate as multiple sclerosis.