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Photos: Jamie's Photos of the Day: Quarter #6
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Caption List
- Kristen, Jamie and dustpan.
- Eating sand at the beach with Tai-Tai
- Bird-watching outside Los Pelicanos
- Out for a walk in his P-Jays.
- Jamie and Carmela's Ian watching teletubbies
- Jamie eating soba (1)
- Jamie moves a pile of sand a few centimetres to the right.
- Looking out to sea
- Standing proud
- Practised innocence
- With Mom at the beach
- Happily playing bulldozer with Mom at the beach
- Playing Elmo with Dad
- Sweeping with Tai-Tai
- Oohing and aahing out the window
- Playing with Gary and Ayami before bedtime
- Playing trains with Ayami
- Excited Jamie sweeps snow
- Jamie signing "yummy" after tom kha gai
- Jamie keeps the snow battlefield swept clean
- Jamie giving Mom his 1000-watt smile
- Watching Totoro with Chihoko
- Jamie's first photo, of the ceiling lights at the club
- Chasing after Ross
- Kristen and Jamie play Monopoly pinball
- Playing on the so-called Movator
- Sick in bed with Mom
- Watching Totoro with Mom at 3:20 in the morning.
- Playing keyboards with Mio
- "Good to see you, Dad. Time to go that way."
- Jamie and Dad, asleep
- Watching Totoro in the train
- Posing for a commemorative photo with Mom and Grammie
- Jamie plays shutter peekaboo with a little girl named Kira
- Pondering his next move at Chinese checkers
- Jamie works on a puzzle with Becky and Anna
- Laughing in bed
- Brushing Jamie's hair
- Jamie likes fries
- Eating #19 (Noodles with Duck)
- Jamie wonders what all the fuss is about
- Walking home from the doctor with Mio and Mom
- Dad's artsy shot
- Jamie watching Totoro
- Not sure about this cake thing
- Admiring squirrels
- Reading with Gary (3)
- Alexandria, Ben, Sam, Luke, Jamie and their parents
- Watching Totoro with grapes
- Drawing on a chair (2)
- Jamie by flashlight
- A head taller than the last time he was here
- "I'll have what she's having."
- Turning around to get comfy
- Donating money to the Hospital for Sick Children
- Welcoming Tai-Tai and Ho-Ho back home from Mexico
- Climbing a geodesic come.
- Running to the car, with Mom and Tai-Tai
- Squeezing between a sapling and a post
- Dinner at Tai-Tai's
- President's Choice Poster Child
- Jamie can see without pushing aside his hair!
- Wondering what his shadow is doing
- Onion not so bad
- Looking at Tai-Tai making faces
- Emptying a yellow bucket full of sand
- Dropping pebbles down the grate
- Forklift glee
- Laughing at Tai-Tai
- Watering the garden with Mio and Ayami
- Jamie and watering can
- "You want a funny face, I'll give you one."
- Saying goodbye to Dad (2)
- Premium Square Jamie
- Jamie and Ian
- Tracks and balls
- Running after his godbrothers on the way to school
- Looking at kids across the street
- Father and son, self-portrait (2)
- Jamie wearies of the papa-razzi
- Can you dig it? Jamie ponders the community garden.
- Shopping with Dad
- Jamie and Kristen under the forsythia
- Jamie is enjoying solid food again
- Sweeping up a storm
- Slug-a-beds
- Five-second hat
- Reaction shot
- Being kissed in public
- Inspecting sugar
- Gary and Ayami and Jamie playing Boggle online