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Photos: February 11-16, 2007
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Caption List
- Liam, by Jamie (4)
- Jamie amid his trains
- Ayami, by Jamie
- Liam and Jamie asleep
- Liam waking up
- Ken and Liam
- Ken and Liam (2)
- Tami and Mom, by Jamie
- Jamie getting ready to go to Browning for lunch
- Drooling Liam, by Jamie
- Liam with sun toy, by Jamie
- A serious photo of Jamie, bartered for camera use
- Goofy Jamie
- Jamie spends a lot of time waiting for Gary to open this door
- Jamie and his non-birthday classmates
- Mrs. Sasaki and Jamie's birthday classmates
- Liam, waking up
- Liam, a little too happy with the camera
- Liam, pensive
- Jamie, hiding from the camera
- Jamie, ought to be hiding mouth full of samosa from camera
- Liam in Mom's arms
- Jamie mugging
- Jamie mugging (2)
- Jamie lounging on the windowsill