Back to previous set, Up to John James (Jamie) Chew, IV

Photos: December 26-?, 2005

Sitting with Dad
Date: 2005-12-26 20:19
Location: Grammie's house
Photographer: Anna
Jamie, with Becky in the background
Date: 2005-12-26 20:25
Location: Grammie's house
Photographer: Anna
Waiting for noodles
Date: 2005-12-26 20:35
Location: Grammie's house
Photographer: klc
Sipping apple soda
Date: 2005-12-26 20:37
Location: Grammie's house
Photographer: klc
Waiting for noodles
Date: 2005-12-26 20:37
Location: Grammie's house
Photographer: klc
Opening a present from Grammie
Date: 2005-12-26 21:52
Location: Grammie's house
Photographer: jjc
Multitasking: TV, puzzles and trains
Date: 2005-12-27 19:47
Location: Grammie's house
Photographer: Anna
Posing for Anna
Date: 2005-12-27 19:47
Location: Grammie's house
Photographer: Anna
Playing with the mineshaft from Grammie
Date: 2005-12-27 19:50
Location: Grammie's house
Photographer: Anna
Owen, Jamie, Mom, Becky
Date: 2005-12-27 20:03
Location: Grammie's house
Photographer: Anna
Playing with Diesel 10
Date: 2005-12-28 18:45
Location: Grammie's house
Photographer: jjc
Date: 2005-12-29 12:55
Location: Cosmic Adventures
Photographer: jjc
Contemplating a grape
Date: 2005-12-29 12:58
Location: Cosmic Adventures
Photographer: jjc
Up in the play structure with Mom and Becky
Date: 2005-12-29 13:51
Location: Cosmic Adventures
Photographer: jjc
Waiting for lunch, with Grammie and Mom
Date: 2005-12-30 12:23
Location: Broadway Restaurant, Orleans
Photographer: jjc
"Diesel 10" and "Dragonforce" wait for food too
Date: 2005-12-30 12:26
Location: Broadway Restaurant, Orleans
Photographer: jjc
Anna, Ian, Ian's Furby, Jamie and Mom
Date: 2005-12-31 19:35
Location: Pearls
Photographer: jjc
New Year's Eve dinner, banzai!
Date: 2005-12-31 19:48
Location: Pearls
Photographer: jjc
Tickling a teddy bear
Date: 2006-01-01 17:43
Location: Gary's Aunt Chiyo's house
Photographer: jjc
Heather, Rissa, Kristen and Jamie
Date: 2006-01-02 11:23
Location: At home
Photographer: jjc
Jamie's sketch of "Mommy Duck"
Date: 2006-01-02 21:06
Location: At home
Photographer: jjc
Jamie's "Mommy Duck": image interpretation
Date: 2006-01-02 21:18
Location: At home
Photographer: jjc
Jamie grates daikon
Date: 2006-01-03 18:41
Location: At home
Photographer: jjc
Asleep in his rain gear
Date: 2006-01-04 14:45
Location: Second Cup
Photographer: jjc
Nenne with Baby
Date: 2006-01-05 20:11
Location: At home
Photographer: jjc

Back to previous set, Up to John James (Jamie) Chew, IV