Back to previous set, Up to John James (Jamie) Chew, IV
Photos: October 15-?, 2005
Running along the chalk tracks
Date: 2005-10-15 17:49
Location: At home
Photographer: jjc
Jamie eating huachinango tikinchik
Date: 2005-10-16 17:57
Location: Pearls
Photographer: jjc
Sweeping the sidewalk with Tai-Tai
Date: 2005-10-17 17:44
Location: Pearls
Photographer: jjc
A mouth full of apple sauce, eyes full of Pingu
Date: 2005-10-18 20:37
Location: At home
Photographer: jjc
Straightening Leo's car's leash
Date: 2005-10-19 19:46
Location: Toronto Scrabble Club
Photographer: jjc
Checking out Leo's car's towline's alignment
Date: 2005-10-19 19:46
Location: Toronto Scrabble Club
Photographer: jjc
Sending Leo's car off the table dolly
Date: 2005-10-19 19:48
Location: Toronto Scrabble Club
Photographer: jjc
Fish sticks with Mom
Date: 2005-10-20 19:50
Location: At home
Photographer: jjc
Talking to Tai-Tai about guavas
Date: 2005-10-21 18:03
Location: At home
Photographer: jjc
Doing his own dishes
Date: 2005-10-21 18:40
Location: At home
Photographer: jjc
Spitting cucumber out after sucking off the dressing
Date: 2005-10-22 20:26
Location: Pearls
Photographer: jjc
Dressed for the rain
Date: 2005-10-22 21:28
Location: Pearls
Photographer: jjc
Walking in the rain with Mom
Date: 2005-10-23 18:29
Location: Ellerbeck Avenue
Photographer: jjc
Walking in the rain
Date: 2005-10-23 18:31
Location: Ellerbeck Avenue
Photographer: jjc
Jamie wonders if he is some sort of stuffed animal
Date: 2005-10-24 16:54
Location: Jackman Avenue
Photographer: jjc
Hot chocolate after a cold walk
Date: 2005-10-25 15:08
Location: Second Cup
Photographer: jjc
Is that Totoro on TV?
Date: 2005-10-25 21:11
Location: Browning
Photographer: jjc
Catching a breeze from the driver's seat.
Date: 2005-10-26 17:34
Location: At home
Photographer: jjc
"More, please!"
Date: 2005-10-26 18:12
Location: Pearls
Photographer: jjc
Gary makes a better door than a window.
Date: 2005-10-27 19:30
Location: At home
Photographer: klc
Jamie at rest
Date: 2005-10-27 19:32
Location: At home
Photographer: klc
Smiling for Mom
Date: 2005-10-27 19:32
Location: At home
Photographer: klc
Getting some exercise
Date: 2005-10-28 15:30
Location: 401 service centre
Photographer: klc
Piggy "backpack" with Mom, Owen in background
Date: 2005-10-28 20:12
Location: Grammie's house
Photographer: Anna
Hugging Mom
Date: 2005-10-28 20:12
Location: Grammie's house
Photographer: Anna
Back to previous set, Up to John James (Jamie) Chew, IV