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Photos: Jamie Photos #25 (May 14-24, 2004)

Is there anything more peaceful than a sleeping baby?
Date: 2004-05-15 00:47
Location: At home
Photographer: jjc
"I love the new high chair, Mom, but does it come with food?!"
Date: 2004-05-15 11:55
Location: At home
Photographer: klc
"I vant to suck my thumb!"
Date: 2004-05-15 21:48
Location: At home
Photographer: klc
Ayami looks after Jamie while he rubs his sore gums.
Date: 2004-05-15 21:50
Location: At home
Photographer: klc
A collage of three photos of Jamie, miserable in bed with a cold.
Date: 2004-05-16
Location: At home
Photographer: jjc
Do you know how to whistle?
Date: 2004-05-17 18:50
Location: Second Cup
Photographer: jjc
Daniel plays with his godbrother Jamie at the Second Cup
Date: 2004-05-17 18:52
Location: Second Cup
Photographer: jjc
Jamie smiles at Daniel at the Second Cup
Date: 2004-05-17 18:53
Location: Second Cup
Photographer: jjc
Jamie and Kristen are ready for a nap
Date: 2004-05-18 19:31
Location: At home
Photographer: jjc
Tom keeps Jamie happy while John and Kristen cook
Date: 2004-05-18 22:45
Location: Daniel's house
Photographer: jjc
Daniel, Tom, Jamie and Ross play with Lego
Date: 2004-05-18 23:05
Location: Daniel's house
Photographer: jjc
John and Jamie stand by while Daniel plays at the club.
Date: 2004-05-19 22:35
Location: Toronto Scrabble Club
Photographer: jjc
Jamie goes out for a walk around the Scrabble Club
Date: 2004-05-19 22:54
Location: Toronto Scrabble Club
Photographer: jjc
Jamie stops to admire a play structure, also a convenient camera stand.
Date: 2004-05-19 22:56
Location: Toronto Scrabble Club
Photographer: jjc
Jamie thinks Ayami is Very Funny
Date: 2004-05-21 00:30
Location: Daniel's house
Photographer: jjc
Jamie in front of a Very Strong Ayami
Date: 2004-05-21 00:31
Location: Daniel's house
Photographer: jjc
Jamie tries to figure out what Serge Entine is doing at the Second Cup, if he sold it last year.
Date: 2004-05-21 19:31
Location: Second Cup
Photographer: jjc
Kristen and Jamie wait for the festivities to begin at Ross' 6th birthday party.
Date: 2004-05-21 22:04
Location: Playground Paradise
Photographer: jjc
Michelle helps Jamie break the rules in this heavily colour-balanced low-light shot.
Date: 2004-05-21 22:17
Location: Playground Paradise
Photographer: jjc
Michelle, Jamie and one of Ross' balloons
Date: 2004-05-23 00:23
Location: Daniel's house
Photographer: jjc
Jamie waits patiently to go out for a walk
Date: 2004-05-23 20:48
Location: At home
Photographer: jjc
John returns from taking Jamie out for a nap.
Date: 2004-05-23 23:43
Location: Pearls
Photographer: jjc
Jamie looks adoringly at Tai-Tai, the source of okayu, miso and mangos.
Date: 2004-05-24 18:30
Location: Pearls
Photographer: jjc
Jamie is quite full of mangos.
Date: 2004-05-24 18:30
Location: Pearls
Photographer: jjc
Jamie would like to finish his meal by wiping his hands and face on Dad.
Date: 2004-05-24 18:30
Location: Pearls
Photographer: jjc

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