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Photos: Jamie Photos #24 (May 5-13, 2004)

Jamie can sit up in his pillow and play with his toys.
Date: 2004-05-05 11:13
Location: At home
Photographer: klc
Ayami made Jamie a Japanese Boys' Day kabuto.
Date: 2004-05-05 22:16
Location: At home
Photographer: jjc
Jamie goofs around with his Uncle Gary
Date: 2004-05-05 22:26
Location: At home
Photographer: klc
Jamie dithers between professional careers in soccer and basketball.
Date: 2004-05-06 15:24
Location: At home
Photographer: klc
Jamie waits to pick up Daniel after school.
Date: 2004-05-07 14:45
Location: Jackman P.S.
Photographer: jjc
Daniel, Tom and Jamie talk about ice cream. (Just kidding, they're really talking about Nethack.)
Date: 2004-05-07 20:46
Location: Dairy Queen
Photographer: jjc
Jamie and Tom after ice cream at Dairy Queen. Jamie is looking out the plate glass window at the buses going by. Isn't black and white photography nice for a change? Even nicer would be to remember not to take pictures lit half by red neon light and half by fluorescent lighting.
Date: 2004-05-07 20:38
Location: Dairy Queen
Photographer: jjc
Jamie, with his neighbours Sam, Ben and their mom Betsy.
Date: 2004-05-08 10:12
Location: Ben and Sam's house
Photographer: klc
Ben and Sam show Jamie how things work.
Date: 2004-05-08 10:13
Location: Ben and Sam's house
Photographer: klc
Bwana Jamie and his faithful sherpa Mom are ready for their trek.
Date: 2004-05-08 14:41
Location: At home
Photographer: jjc
Mom and Tai-Tai feed Jamie okayu and miso.
Date: 2004-05-09 12:01
Location: Tai-Tai and Grandpa's house
Photographer: jjc
Jamie helps his mom celebrate Mother's Day
Date: 2004-05-09 15:43
Location: Il Fornello (Beaches)
Photographer: jjc
Jamie savours the cuisine at Il Fornello
Date: 2004-05-09 15:57
Location: Il Fornello (Beaches)
Photographer: jjc
Jamie and his Tai-Tai share a quiet moment after brunch.
Date: 2004-05-09 16:14
Location: Il Fornello (Beaches)
Photographer: jjc
Jamie enjoys summer weather with the stroller top down.
Date: 2004-05-10 17:59
Location: Tai-Tai's garden
Photographer: jjc
Jamie turns to look at Richard Szegidewicz
Date: 2004-05-10 17:59
Location: Tai-Tai's garden
Photographer: jjc
Kristen smiles down at the camera, newly six-month-old Jamie aims an adolescent sneer at his dad.
Date: 2004-05-11 17:29
Location: Broadview Avenue
Photographer: jjc
Kristen smiles at John, Jamie vigilantly watches for Buses and Trucks
Date: 2004-05-11 17:33
Location: Browning Avenue
Photographer: jjc
John holds the camera for a family self-portrait, Jamie continues to watch for heavy motor vehicles.
Date: 2004-05-11 17:34
Location: Browning Avenue
Photographer: jjc
Jamie and his Tai-Tai watch Dad take macro shots of a dendrobium.
Date: 2004-05-12 15:13
Location: Tai-Tai's garden
Photographer: jjc
Jamie really enjoys the exersaucer.
Date: 2004-05-12 21:23
Location: At home
Photographer: jjc
Jamie laps up some water for the hot ride home.
Date: 2004-05-13 16:19
Location: Tai-Tai's driveway
Photographer: jjc
Tai-Tai gives Jamie some water for the ride home.
Date: 2004-05-13 16:19
Location: Tai-Tai's driveway
Photographer: jjc
Alexandria and Jamie practice their Jean Chretien imitations
Date: 2004-05-13 16:56
Location: Ben and Sam's front yard
Photographer: jjc
Jamie munches on his dad's sunglasses
Date: 2004-05-13 17:08
Location: Ben and Sam's front yard
Photographer: jjc

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