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Photos: Jamie Chew Photos #12 (January 18-27, 2004)
Imparting more words of fatherly wisdom
Date: 2004-01-18 20:33
Location: At home
Photographer: klc
The one who sleeps 18 hours a day is naturally the one who looks more awake.
Date: 2004-01-18 20:34
Location: At home
Photographer: klc
Jamie holds his dad's finger.
Date: 2004-01-18 20:35
Location: At home
Photographer: klc
Jamie and his dad sing songs and dance on the couch.
Date: 2004-01-18 20:43
Location: At home
Photographer: klc
Kristen tries yet again to explain Uncle Gary to poor Jamie, who's having none of it.
Date: 2004-01-18 21:37
Location: At home
Photographer: jjc
Jamie thinks about what lies in store for him today.
Date: 2004-01-19 09:51
Location: At home
Photographer: jjc
"I'm not only good-looking, I'm vaccinated against five diseases, and doped up on Tylenol."
Date: 2004-01-20 14:28
Location: Riverdale Midwives
Photographer: jjc
"I believe I am the cat's meow and the bee's knees, thank you."
Date: 2004-01-20 14:28
Location: Riverdale Midwives
Photographer: jjc
Jamie models an outfit given to him by Sara, Patty, Cindy and Theresa from the NSA.
Date: 2004-01-20 21:41
Location: Daniel's house
Photographer: jjc
Closeup on Jamie's blue outfit
Date: 2004-01-20 21:42
Location: Daniel's house
Photographer: jjc
Jamie's dad's office cubicle doubles as a change station.
Date: 2004-01-21 15:16
Location: SS 4056
Photographer: klc
The arrogance of youth: "I pee on my dad's math."
Date: 2004-01-21 15:18
Location: SS 4056
Photographer: klc
Kristen shows off our new Zooper Z-Street, a gift from a large number of our Scrabble friends.
Date: 2004-01-21 21:03
Location: Earl Bales CC
Photographer: jjc
Contemplating the mysteries of the universe after a bath.
Date: 2004-01-22 23:54
Location: At home
Photographer: jjc
Jamie and his dad pose for a self-portrait early in the morning, examining their "bed heads".
Date: 2004-01-23 12:05
Location: At home
Photographer: jjc
Jamie looks askance at his dad trying to recapture yesterday morning's moment.
Date: 2004-01-24 10:34
Location: At home
Photographer: jjc
Jamie helps Team Sagara-West at Pictionary: "It's an a-woo!"
Date: 2004-01-24 19:25
Location: Ruth Ohi's house
Photographer: jjc
Jamie gets ready to throw a receiving blanket on his Uncle Gary.
Date: 2004-01-25 23:36
Location: At home
Photographer: jjc
Gary and Jamie conduct a philosophical exchange.
Date: 2004-01-25 23:37
Location: At home
Photographer: jjc
Jamie lifts his head up high enough to shove his fist in his mouth.
Date: 2004-01-26 18:24
Location: At home
Photographer: klc
Jamie sleeps in, like a sensible protogeek.
Date: 2004-01-27 11:36
Location: At home
Photographer: jjc
The view most of the day from Jamie's front door.
Date: 2004-01-27 13:56
Location: Fulton Avenue
Photographer: jjc
Jamie starts watching Baby Galileo.
Date: 2004-01-27 14:57
Location: At home
Photographer: klc
Jamie is not sure what to make of Baby Galileo, but it's interesting.
Date: 2004-01-27 14:58
Location: At home
Photographer: klc
Jamie has been completely sucked into the world of Baby Galileo.
Date: 2004-01-27 15:02
Location: At home
Photographer: klc
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