Genealogical Record: Roger Chew

Self Parents Grandparents GGParents GGGParents
Roger Chew

From RFU 14107 via TLC 13551.


Henry Chew

*1777 gives dates 1791-1836.

11901 <40:5

John Chew

*1749 03 31
+1838 05 22

Birth and death details from RLC 14093, at least one other source gave death year as 1848. RLC also says he moved to Loudoun Co., Virginia.

11895 <79:6

Samuel Chew
11885 <86:7
Joseph Chew
11877 <101:8 >28:19
Mary Ford
11880 <101:8 >2:1
Elizabeth Pratt
11886 <86:7
Margaret Ready


Or possibly Reed.

11896 <79:6

? ?
? ?
Amelia Gustin


Birth year from

11902 <40:5

? ? ?
? ?
? ? ?
? ?


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